Mountain biking & cycling in the Salzkammergut
hr als nur ein Bikeurlaub
Biken und Genießen in den Dolomiten für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene
300 km Inspiration pur und 360° Erlebnis beim Biken durch die Bergwelt des Salzkammergutes. Nur 80 km von Salzburg entfernt liegt inmitten des UNESCO Weltnaturerbes Hallstatt Dachstein Salzkammergut eines der schönsten Mountainbike -Reviere der Welt.
Erleben Sie zahlreiche und vielfältige MTB-Strecken sowie atemberaubende Singletrails unter der Führung unserer staatlich geprüften Guides! Unsere Guides bemühen sich bei jeder Tour nicht nur darum, Sie erstklassig zu führen und zu motivieren, sondern auch darum, Ihnen immer wieder Neues und Spannendes aus der Region zu zeigen.
Mountainbike-Touren im Salzkammergut -
Auffällig vielfältig
Kurz oder lang, technisch knackig oder vom Gefühl her flowig: Du glaubst nicht, wie viele Mountainbike-Touren es rund um den Hallstättersee und dem Gosautal gibt! Und es ist genau diese unglaubliche Vielfalt, die Südtirol für Mountainbikerinnen und Mountainbiker so begehrenswert macht.
Unter uns: Auf dieser Seite wirst du längst nicht alle Mountainbike-Touren im Salzkammergut finden, aber eine gute Übersicht. Und unsere Lieblingstouren verraten wir dir hier sowieso nicht, die fahren wir mit dir persönlich.
The best offers for mountain biking in the Salzkammergut
Mountain Bike Tours in the Salzkammergut
Stunning mountains, crystal-clear lakes and gorgeous sceneries await you in region Dachstein-Salzkammergut. Steep climbs are rewarded with spectacular views and cozy mountain huts which cater to the hungry and thirsty rider.
E-Biking around Lake Hallstatt
More than just a biking holiday: Biking and enjoying! Experience numerous and diverse MTB routes as well as breathtaking trails under the guidance of our state-certified guides! E-biking for everyone! The great offer for all e-bike fans.
Bike Hotels in the Salzkammergut
Still searching for a suitable accommodation for your unforgettable mountain bike holiday in the Salzkammergut? Here you will find our excellent bike orientated hosts at the click of a button - - and you can also book directly!
Mountain bike competence centre in Bad Goisern
The Salzkammergut mountain bike centre in Bad Goisern on Lake Hallstatt - what does it offer? The sequin ranges from taxi shuttles for bikers, from bike dealers to accommodation establishments specially set up for bikers.
Cycling Trail around Lake Hallstatt
Approximately 41 kilometres long circuit with numerous places to stop for refreshments. A tour of about 4 to 5 hours. Highlight: the east bank cycle path with swimming opportunities and shady picnic areas.
Bike Arena in Obertraun on Lake Hallstatt
Attention mountain bikers! In Obertraun on Lake Hallstatt in the Salzkammergut is the international hotspot in the cross-country sector: the Bike Arena by Austrian Sports Resorts BSFZ Obertraun. A challenge for professionals and ideal for MTB beginners for basic training. Just take a look...
The most beautiful family routes
Unspoilt mountain landscape. Clean air. Crystal clear mountain streams. Refreshing waterfalls and a network of paths that have a lot to offer cycling enthusiasts of all ages. And that's not all.
Family bike tour to Chorinsky-Klause
Weißenbach valley to the last wooden hermitage in Austria. An adventure bike tour for the whole family. The bike tour takes about 3 hours. Endurance is also required for children on this tour!
Bike rental in the Salzkammergut
Don't have your own bike? But would you like to explore the beautiful lake landscape by bike? Our bike rental company offers e-bikes, mountain bikes as well as gravel bikes and many other models. Almost nothing is left to be desired. Some bike rental companies will also bring your dream bike to the accommodation. Take a look!
Guided mountain bike & e bike tours in the Salzkammergut
They know their region like the back of their hand: The verified mountainbike guides. You know perfectly well, where the most exciting single trails are and the steepest downhill routes hide with the sharpest curves. And these need to be discovered. Together with you. Find out this year.!
Koppental Cycle Path - Between Obertraun and Bad Aussee
Pure nature and endless peace and quiet are promised by the approximately 8-kilometre-long cycle path through the wild and romantic Koppental valley between Bad Aussee and Obertraun. The section is part of the Salzkammergut Cycle Path from Gmunden via Bad Ischl to Ausseerlan.
Bike Arena in Obertraun on Lake Hallstatt
Attention mountain bikers! In Obertraun on Lake Hallstatt in the Salzkammergut is the international hotspot in the cross-country sector: the Bike Arena by Austrian Sports Resorts BSFZ Obertraun. A challenge for professionals and ideal for MTB beginners for basic training. Just take a look...
Event tips from the editors
Guided Half-Day e-Bike Tour in Gosau
Mon, May. 5, 2025 10:00 — 13:00 E-Bike Rental Nemo-Point, Gosau
Guided Full-Day e-Bike Tour in Gosau
Wed, May. 7, 2025 10:00 — 16:00 E-Bike Rental Nemo-Point, Gosau
Salzkammergut Mountainbike Trophy 2025
Fri, Jul. 11, 2025 Bad Goisern, Bad Goisern
Check now: Free accommodation for your bike holiday in the Salzkammergut
Hotels and accommodation providers in Hallstatt, Bad Goisern, Gosau and Obertraun offer the ideal room or apartment for your holidays, no matter what your tastes. Aside from establishments rated according to the international "star" scale, you will also find around Lake Hallstatt in Austria businesses that have been awarded two to four "edelweiss". The more flowers, the greater comforts you can expect. Whether you eventually find your cozy nest in an elegant 5-star luxury hotel, at comfortable guesthouse, a family-friendly apartment, or on a traditional farm, the choice is always entirely up to you.