
Hiking in Autumn


Get a Breath of Mountain Air Now!

Autumn is hiking season: The temperatures are pleasant, nature presents itself in a glowing robe, and on clear days the distant views are fantastic. From a leisurely stroll to a challenging summit hike, the Salzkammergut offers the right tour for every hiker's heart. In this selection, we reveal where the most beautiful natural settings, the most breath-taking views and the most impressive colour spectacles can

Sunrise on the Krippenstein

Early risers have the summit to themselves on a sunrise tour to the 2000 metre high Krippenstein in Obertraun on Lake Hallstatt. A highlight this autumn is certainly the sunrise and full moon tour. The sunrise tour takes place on selected days. You ride slowly up in the cable car just as nature is awakening, enjoying the tranquil atmosphere of the Salzkammergut. A fascinating natural spectacle as the sky slowly fills with warm colours and the sun rises above the horizon.

Once at the top, you then enjoy a regional breakfast - the sunrise breakfast at the Gjaid Alm. Strengthened and full of energy, you walk through nature or climb up to many a vantage point.

Preparation is everything

Safe on the move: To avoid mountain accidents, a hike needs to be well planned and organised. The tourist information offices and the Alpine Club are the right people to contact. Shortly before setting off, it is important to find out about the current weather conditions and adapt your equipment and tour planning accordingly.

More demanding tours should be done with a mountain guide. Healthy in the mountains - Mountain hiking is an endurance sport: The positive stress stimuli for heart and circulation require health and a realistic self-assessment. Time pressure should be avoided and the pace chosen so that no one gets out of breath.

The mountain is calling!

The extensive programme of offers is an absolute guarantee for a carefree and totally relaxed autumn holiday in the Salzkammergut.
If you like it colourful, you're in the right place between September and November around the fjord-like Lake Hallstatt and in the picturesque Gosau Valley.

Autumn Hiking Offers

Hiking & unforgettable mountain moments: Mountain Moments 2024

© Kraft

All tours at a glance

© Kraft | Wandern zur Simonyhütte in Hallstatt

Guided hikes in the Salzkammergut

© Kraft | Geführte Wanderungen in der Ferienregion Dachstein Salzkammergut

Mountain Masses in the Salzkammergut

Cattle drive in the Salzkammergut

©Rudi Kain Photografie

Very special mountain experiences this autumn

Tue, May. 20, 2025 09:30 — 16:00 Sports ground Gosau, Gosau

Sun, Oct. 26, 2025 09:30 — 16:00 Sports ground Gosau, Gosau

Look for accommodation for the autumn holiday now

Hotels and accommodation providers in Hallstatt, Bad Goisern, Gosau and Obertraun offer the ideal room or apartment for your holidays, no matter what your tastes. Aside from establishments rated according to the international "star" scale, you will also find around Lake Hallstatt in Austria businesses that have been awarded two to four "edelweiss". The more flowers, the greater comforts you can expect. Whether you eventually find your cozy nest in an elegant 5-star luxury hotel, at comfortable guesthouse, a family-friendly apartment, or on a traditional farm, the choice is always entirely up to you.
